Document preparation instructions

  • Please prepare a good scan or photo of your documents (PDF or JPG).
  • Give a file a descriptive name.
  • Please do not cut off top or bottom. I have to see the WHOLE document.
  • If there is anything on the back of the document, I need to see that too.

Document submission instructions

  • Nothing special here, attach the files with the documents to the form and click Submit.
  • If you don’t like the form just send the documents as an attachment via email.
  • Please let me know in the comments where the document is going. (Different organizations/agencies have different requirements).
  • Please provide special instructions / requirements (if any).

Important to remember

  • Plan your document preparation. Give it at least 3 days lead time.
  • Where is the document going? Who is the target audience? Who do we have to please?
  • Please provide the Input that is convenient for me to work with, and I will make sure that the Output will prevent inconveniences for you….

Submit Your Data

Your Name: *

Your Email: *

Phone Number:


Your Message: *

Attachment 1:

Attachment 2:

Attachment 3:

Attachment 4:

Attachment 5:

Supported file types: pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, csv, txt, rtf, html, zip, rar, jpg, jpeg, png, gif, tif, tiff. Max file size: 10MB

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